The more time, money, or effort you sacrifice for something, the more you convince yourself you like it in order to avoid the feeling that you wasted effort. This holds true for many things in life, but...
Would you consider yourself a rational person? I always did anyways, thinking that I made choices not because I wanted to, but rather deciding on the best choice available to me in any given situation....
We’re two weeks into the new year and you did it again didn’t you? You’re still hitting snooze on your alarm every morning and ordered a takeout three times last week even though you...
In my sadly long history of deleting and re-downloading dating apps like Tinder and Hinge over and over again, I’ve come to recognize familiar faces each time I return to those God forsaken apps. And each...
It’s no secret that every generation thinks that the ones that come after them are a worse generation than they are. Surprisingly enough there’s even a word for it, it’s called Juvenoia. Old man Socrates...
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